As I contemplate Easter Sunday and the part of our Heavenly Father's plan where the resurrection fits in, I am more thankful for my Savior than words can express. I know that the Resurrection is available for each of us. We will also be given a place of glory according to what we have earned. None of this would be possible if Christ hadn't come to earth as a baby, if He hadn't established his church here on the earth, if He hadn't died and atoned for our sins, and of course His volunteering to do His part of our Father's plan.
Easter is a time of the year that comes in the spring when all things come alive again. As much as I complain about the snow and cold, it is great to live in a place where trees and plants go dormant in the winter and come alive again in the spring. I think spring is one of my favorite seasons just because I like to see things come back in the spring. The grass turns green, the trees leaf out and flowers bloom. In the animal kingdom, lots of babies are born or hatched in the spring and summer. That also is part of our Father's plan - all the plants and animals know what to do in the spring, what should we be doing?
We spend so much time getting things done on our to-do lists. I want to take a few minutes to thank my Heavenly Father for all that I see that testifies of the resurrection.